Well RL work has me busy often for a few days at a clip and will prevent me from posting updates and stuff, such is life right?
Had someone make an interesting statement in the store the other day when I could be on. I want to sort of touch on it, at first bothered me (even upset me some) but through talking to those I value near to me said I should not worry about such things and that it's someone uneducated about my past history and length of time I have been in SL and operating my business.
I am a very shy and quiet person, typically keep to myself and this is the beginnings of me trying to step out of that shell. Over the past year (plus) now I have collected many images/screenshots of not only my business but of myself and how I have progressed over time. It's very cool to sometimes look back and reminisce about it all. Funny thing is, as it was pointed out to me, is well nothing much has changed other then the various personal appearances I've had and the business went from a cleaner industrial look to a grungier industrial look thanks to a great build I'm using from Grim and all of my modeling and images/textures are the same as I've used since well before early last year.
Maybe I'm just making something out of it all that it's really not.